Pleasant Hill
Copper Shores Village- Immanuel
Copper Shores Village - Immanuel is a retirement and senior living care community. Visit their website to see which career opportunities they have available.
The Cintas Pleasant Hill location is currently hiring. A couple of positions available include Maintenance Technician I, Management Trainee and Sales Representative-Facility Services.
For a complete list of openings and other information, please visit their website.
Communication Innovators
This Pleasant Hill based business has the following job opportunities available: Fiber Splicer, Security Technician, Security Service Technician, and Project Manager.
For more information, please visit their website.
Copper Creek 9 Cinemas
Copper Creek 9 Cinemas is a part of Fridely Theatres.
They are hiring an Assistant Manager as well as Part-time General Staff.
General Staff - Responsible for serving customers, cleaning theatres after movies, and keeping the building looking presentable throughout the day. Hours and responsibilities will vary on the location.
Due to late operating hours and related state labor regulations, they start hiring at age 16.
Elder Corporation
Elder Corporation is one of Pleasant Hill's largest employeers. They specialize in earthmoving, underground utilities, demolition, recycling, soil stablization, and more.
Click the link provided to see what open positions they have available.
Hope Ministries
Hope Ministries is looking for a Housing Supervisor for their new Men’s Supportive Housing! This live-in role is perfect for someone passionate about creating a safe, supportive, and sober Christian community. Includes free housing and a part-time schedule (10-20 hrs/week).
If you or someone you know is interested, apply today by sending your resume to Alexis Hernandez, HR Manager, at Learn more at
Pleasant Hill's Hy-Vee is looking for helpful smiles.
Click here to see what open positions they have available.
Parkridge Specialty Care
Parkridge Specialty Care is a facility that offers rehabilitation services, skilled nursing care, long term care, and more.
Click the link to see what career openings they currently have.
Southeast Polk Community School District
Southeast Polk Community School District is looking for teachers, substitute teachers, support staff, and more.
Click here to see what opportunities are available.
ThriveNow Recovery Centers
At Thrive Now’s Pleasant Hill location, they are seeking a Recovery Support Specialists to support individuals on their path to recovery! They are looking to fill positions for evenings, nights, and weekend shifts - Full or Part Time. Join their team and make a difference! Click the link to learn more and apply today.
Metro area
Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Solar
Heartland Roofing, Siding, and Solar has openings for a variety of jobs. Check out their career page for more information.
Helena Industries
The Des Moines Plant of Helena Industries currently has several career opportunities available including Quality Assurance Associate, Production Technician, and Area Manager.
Visit their website for a full list of openings, how to apply, and more.
Luther Park Community
Luther Park Community currently has a variety of positions open which include nursing, dietary, and housekeeping. Click here to see a complete list and information on how to apply.
Prairie Meadows Racetrack and Casino
Prairie Meadows has a variety of job openings available. Check out their career page for more information.