Our Mission
To strengthen the Pleasant Hill (Iowa) business community by fostering connections between businesses, residents, and local government; advocating for member interests, and supporting sustainable growth.
Our Community
The city of Pleasant Hill, Iowa was incorporated May 12, 1956. At the conclusion of the 2024 special census, the population was 11,079 and we are 4th fastest growing city in the Des Moines Metro area.
Protecting Yourself From Scam and Fraud- Copper Shores Village

Copper Shores Village invites you to a special presentation by Aging Resources
of Central Iowa on scam identification and prevention. Learn how to identify
scams and better protect your personal information. The presentation includes
educational handouts and a Q&A session. Take advantage of this valuable
Seating is limited. Kindly RSVP by November 8 to 515-599-9067.